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Ari Weissberg, Israel

Yaakov Fonteijn, UK
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"YORU encourages and inspires Yeshiva students to engineer change in their respective environments. 
The program focuses on each individual’s potential, and therefore responsibility, to effect those around him in a positive way.
For me, Yoru has been a transformative experience which has helped to shape my character and allowed me to use my strengths to stimulate people around me to aspire to greater heights.
Since joining Yoru, I have discovered tools within myself that allow me to engage people around me with an easy confidence. For example, I now often strike up conversations with strangers I meet and have sometimes continued these verbal conversation in quite extensive email dialogues. I am confident in my ability to provide answers to people’s questions and enquiries, and to provide an honest and inspirational perspective on a Torah lifestyle."
Yaakov Zev Friedman, USA

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"The YORU program is a place where we openly address all current issues facing our generation. By having group discussions and brainstorming we learnt teamwork and critical thinking, how to best address and respond to the most current and hot button topics, finding innovative and novel solutions.
This enabled me to have the confidence to converse in an open and frank way with complete strangers about sincere and meaningful topics, using my problem solving skills.
YORU’s success is due to its focus on the foundations of Judaism including topics such as Torah from Sinai, Nevuah and modern history. Through the complete understanding, I came to find my role as an individual and how to be a role model to my peers and a light unto the nations.
Throughout the program we were exposed to a wide spectrum of leaders from rabbis to businessmen which inspired us that no matter what your position, with the proper tools and education you can have a lasting effect on all of those around you and beyond."
Ari Weissberg, Israel

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"Being at YORU was insightful and taught me a lot regardless of wether I plan on going in to Kiruv, Rabbanus, Chinuch or not. 
In the program we learnt about Leadership skills, what it entails to be a role model, how to take responsibility as a leader, the challenges that face the jewish people and how to go about them.
The program also included many discussions on the topics of Hashkafa, Mussur, Chinuch and Shalom Bayis all which enhanced our life skills for our day to day life.
As a student of YORU, I gained a close relationship with Rabbi Halberstadt, who cares for each individual talmid and is always there to discuss any topic and help out.
I recommend to anybody who wishes to broaden there spectrum on jewish topics to come and join YORU, a program which provides skills and topics you won't get in the regular yeshivah program."
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